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320 & 327 N. Aurora St. Easton, MD 21601
Mon-Fri 8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday by appointment
Follow the Integrated Collision & Truck Specialists page and sign up for our online eNewsletter below and keep up on the latest industry and shop news.
We’ve all heard of someone we know (if it hasn’t happened to you) that has had their car broken into, stolen or a serious scare in a parking lot or even in their own driveway. Did you know that the most likely months to have your car stolen are July & August? In the U.S., nearly every 44 seconds someone falls prey to an auto thief. Close to 50% of those thefts could be prevented by you, the auto owner, just by following a few simple guidelines and rules. A lot of these seem obvious, but since we never think that it could happen to us, it’s good to be reminded!
Integrated Collision & truck Specialists Just wants to give this friendly reminder again to always lock your vehicle! If someone really wants to steal your car, let them! No matter how precious your car is, you and your family are more important and so is your life. Stay safe! Another big safety tip is to be sure to keep up the maintenance on your car so that you are not stranded in a sketchy place you do not wish to be, and you don’t have to leave your car unattended. Call our team for your car inspection and get a quick evaluation on your vehicle and be sure it’s in tip top shape.
We’re located at:
Integrated Collision & Truck Specialists
327 N. Aurora St. Easton, MD 21601
320 N. Aurora St. Easton, MD 21601
Easton, MD 21601
Hours: Monday-Saturday 8am-5pm
We would be happy to supply you with a quote online or over the phone and we always welcome comments and suggestions.